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David W. Ramey, DVM


PO Box 4225, Chatsworth, CA 91313



Summary of Qualifications



Ramey Equine, Private Practice: Practice includes all aspects of equine health care including surgery, medicine, lameness, anesthesia and preventative medicine. The practice is approximately 60% show and performance horses, with the remainder being various other breeds and individual pleasure horses.


Special Equipment Training: Trained in use and application of flexible fiberoptic endoscope, arthroscope, gastrointestinal stapling equipment, ASIF equipment for internal fixation of fractures and non-unions, dermatome, radiofrequency hyperthermia unit, diagnostic ultrasound, and cryosurgery


Surgical Training: Trained in various surgical procedures including abdominal exploration, intestinal resection and anastomosis, diagnostic and surgical arthroscopy, fracture fixation, laryngoplasty, umbilical herniorrhaphy, periosteal transection, cryptorchidectomy, and arthrotomy


Special Diagnostic Techniques Training: Trained in various special diagnostic techniques including liver biopsy, transtracheal aspiration biopsy, abdomiocentesis, thoracocentesis, arthrocentesis, uterine culture and biopsy, and guttural pouch catheterization




Iowa State University, Ames, IA

1983 - 1984


Intern, Equine Medicine and Surgery - Teaching and clinical case management of equine medicine and surgery cases, primarily private practitioner referrals from a five state area


Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO



Doctor of Veterinary Medicine                                                                                                         

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO



Honors B.S. Animal Science                                                                                

Honor Societies: Phi Beta Kappa (1979), Phi Kappa Phi (1979)




American Association of Equine Practitioners

American Council on Science and Health

American Veterinary Medical Association

European Society of Veterinary Dermatology

Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society





English: Native proficiency


French: Professional working proficiency


Spanish: Professional working proficiency

Japanese: Elementary Proficiency (JLPT N5 Certified)


Specialty Training



Short Course on the Stifle and Hip, International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology, Chino Valley Equine Hospital, Chino, CA, Apr 2017.

Short Course on the Carpus and Metacarpus, International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology, Chino Valley Equine Hospital, Chino, CA, Apr 2016.


Veterinarian Integration into Multi-Agency Emergency Equine Rescue and Disaster Response Course, International Animal Welfare Training Institute, Petaluma, CA, Mar 2016.


Short Course on the Foot and Pastern, International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology, Chino Valley Equine Hospital, Chino, CA, Apr 2015.


Santa Anita Equine Ultrasound Course, Arcadia, CA. May, 2005.


Equine Dentistry Wet lab, AAEP Convention, Phoenix, AZ, 1997. 


Symposium and Wet Lab on the Equine Acute Abdomen, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 1986.


ASIF Basic Conference on Internal Fixation of Fractures and Non-Unions in the Horse, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 1984.


Symposium and Wet Lab on Arthroscopic Surgery in the Horse, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 1984.

Professional Activities



Ramey Equine, Encino, CA



Ambulatory clinical practitioner; FEI Treating Veterinarian (ID #10089855)                                                                                   


Los Angeles Equine, Sun Valley, CA



Clinical practitioner

Additional Professional Activities



Member, Los Angeles Equine Advisory Committee (LAEAC), City of Los Angeles, Nov 2018–Present

Consultant, Santa Monica Animal Shelter, Jun 2016–Present

Member, Equine Abuse and Neglect Subcommittee of the Welfare and Public Policy Advisory Committee, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), Mar 2018-Present

Affiliate, International Animal Welfare Training Institute (IAWTI), Dec 2015–Present

Member, Medical Advisory Board, United Health Products, Inc. (UEEC), Jun 2014–Present


Vice-Chairman, Leadership Development Committee, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), Dec 2014–2017. Member Nov 2011-20017.


Member, Professional Conduct and Ethics Committee, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), Dec 2014–2017


Fellow, Institute for Science in Medicine (ISM), 2012–Present


Consultant, American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB), Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE), 2009–Present


Reviewer, Equine Veterinary Journal, London, England, 2008–Present


Reviewer, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 2008–Present


Reviewer, Australian Veterinary Journal, Sydney, Australia, 2008–Present


Member, Board of Advisors, American Council on Science and Health, 2002–Present


Member, Affiliate Faculty, Colorado State University, Department of Philosophy, Jul 2001–Present

Instructor, course on Equine Welfare, Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control, Jul 2016 and Sep/Oct 2015


Instructor, Care of the Shelter Horse (CE course for shelter veterinarians and veterinary technicians), Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control, Jan/Feb 2016


Reviewer, American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2015


Member, Educational Program Committee, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), Dec 2013–Dec 2015


Featured Veterinarian, Ask The Vet, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), “External and Internal Parasites”, Aug 2014


Instructor, course on Equine Welfare, Riverside County Cepartment of Animal Services, Mar 2014


Member, Equine Welfare Committee, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), Dec 2010–Dec 2012


Assistant Editor, Equine Veterinary Education, London, England, 2008–2010


Moderator, Equine Discussion Group, American Veterinary Medical Association's Network of Animal Health (NOAH), 1998–2010


Member, Web Editorial Group of the VetMedInfo Project to Improve library Services for Practicing Veterinarians, National Library of Medicine (NLM), 2008


Featured veterinarian,, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), “Nutritional Supplements”, Jan 2006


Featured veterinarian,, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), “Navicular Syndrome”, Aug 2003


Member, Committee to Rewrite Guidelines on Alternative and Complementary Veterinary Medicine, American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), 1999–2001


Contributing Editor, The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine, 1998–2001


Member, Consultant Board, World Equine Veterinary Review, 1998–2001


Member, Abstract Review Committee, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), Dec 1999–Dec 2000


Member, First Committee on Therapeutic Options, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), Dec 1998–Dec 2000


Scientific Advisor, National Geographic, “The Noble Horse” film, 1999


Member, Committee on Prepurchase Examinations, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), Dec 1998– Dec 1999


Member, International Committee, American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), Dec 1993–Dec 1996

Publications Books



Ramey DW, Baus M, eds. Ambulatory Practice, an issue of Veterinary Clinics: Equine Practice (The Clinics: Veterinary Medicine); Volume 28, Issue 1. Philadelphia: Saunders, Apr 2012.


Ramey DW, Rossdale P, Brockelsby J. Equine Medical Encyclopedia. London, UK: J. Allen Publications, 2009.


Ramey DW, ed. Evidence-Based Equine Medicine, an issue of Veterinary Clinics: Equine Practice (The Clinics: Veterinary Medicine); Volume 23, Issue 2. Philadelphia: Saunders, Aug 2007.


Ramey DW. Concise Guide to Medications and Supplements in the Horse. New York: Howell Bookhouse, 1996. Re-issued and updated as Concise Guide to Medications, Herbs, and Supplements for the Horse. North Pomfret: Trafalgar Square Publishing, 2007.


Ramey DW. Concise Guide to Respiratory Disease in the Horse. North Pomfret: Trafalgar Square Publishing, 2004. Simultaneously published as: Respiratory Problems Explained. Buckingham, UK: Kenilworth Press, 2006.


Ramey DW, Rollin BE. Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine Considered. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2003.


Ramey DW. Concise Guide to Laminitis in the Horse. North Pomfret: Trafalgar Square Publishing, 2003. Simultaneously published as: Laminitis Explained. Buckingham, UK: Kenilworth Press, 2003.


Ramey DW. Concise Guide to Navicular Syndrome in the Horse. New York: Howell Bookhouse, 1997. Re-issued and updated as: Concise Guide to Navicular Syndrome in the Horse. North Pomfret: Trafalgar Square Publishing, 2002. Simultaneously published as: Navicular Syndrome Explained. Buckingham, UK: Kenilworth Press, 2002.


Ramey DW. A Consumer's Guide to Alternative Therapies in the Horse. New York: Howell Bookhouse, 1999.


Ramey DW. Concise Guide to Arthritis in the Horse. New York: Howell Bookhouse, 1998.


Ramey DW, Duren SE. Concise Guide to Nutrition in the Horse. New York: Howell Bookhouse, 1998.


Ramey DW. Snape’s The Anatomy of An Horse. New York: Howell Bookhouse, 1997.


Ramey DW. Concise Guide to Tendon and Ligament Injuries in the Horse. New York: Howell Bookhouse, 1996.


Ramey DW. Concise Guide to Colic in the Horse. New York: Howell Bookhouse, 1996.


Ramey DW. Horsefeathers: Facts vs. Myths about your Horse’s Health. New York: Howell Bookhouse, 1995.

Publications – Book Chapters



Ramey DW. Toxicology of Plant, Animal, and Mineral-Based (“Alternative”) Treatments. In: Murphy L, ed. Large Animal Toxicology. In Publication, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.


Ramey DW. A Historical Survey of Human–Equine Interactions. In: McIlwraith CW, Rollin BE, eds. Equine Welfare. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2011;22–58.


Ramey DW. Alternative Medicine and Equine Welfare: Challenging the Science. In: McIlwraith CW, Rollin BE, eds. Equine Welfare. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2011;205–226.


Ramey DW. A Skeptical View of Herbal Medicine. In: Wynn S, Fougere B. Veterinary Herbal Medicine. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 2006.


Ramey DW, Buell P. Equine Medicine in Sixth Century China: Qimin Yaoshu. In: Rossdale P, Green R, eds. Guardians of the Horse II. Suffolk, UK: Romney Publications, 2001:154–161.

Publications – Proceedings


Ramey DW. Insights from an On-Line Survey of 8069 Horse Owners Regarding Equine Veterinary Care, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 2017;300-304. Paper presented at: 63rd Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 2017 Nov 20; San Antonio, TX.

Ramey DW, Murrell J, Fischer T, Brauer T, Klohnen A, Lee M. Fecal Blood Hemoglobin and Albumin Test Does Not Diagnose Gastric Ulceration in the Horse, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 2016;232. Paper presented at: 62nd Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 2016 Dec 6; Orlando, FL.

Ramey DW. Ethics and Equine Medicine: Curse, Pipedream, or Opportunity? in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 2013;1–8. Paper presented at: 59th Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 2013 Dec; Nashville, TN.


Ramey DW, Duren S. Nutritional Content of Five Equine Nutritional Supplements Relative to a 500-kg Working Horse, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 2011;187–191. Paper presented at: 57th Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 2011 Nov 20; San Antonio, TX.


Ramey DW, Keegan K, Pai FP, Yonezawa Y. Plastic Horseshoe Pads Do Not Attenuate Hoof Wall Vibrations in Trotting Horses, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 2008;240-243. Paper presented at: 54th Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 2008 Dec; San Diego, CA.


Ramey DW. An Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine; An Evidence-Based Assessment of Alternative Therapies in the Horse; Colic: An Evidence-based Approach to the Decision for Surgery in the Field; An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Equine Endocrine Disorders; The Evidence in Support of Routine Preventive Care: Parasite Control, Routine Dental Interventions, and Vaccination; An Evidence-Based Approach to Selected Equine Joint Therapies, in Proceedings. Bain Fallon Memorial Lectures – Dermatology, Dentistry, Reproduction and Evidence-based Medicine 2008;30:166–261. Papers presented at: Bain-Fallon Conference on Equine Medicine and Surgery; 2008 Jul; Cairns, Queensland, Australia.


Ramey DW. A Review of the Evidence for the Existence of Acupuncture Points and Meridians, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 2000;220–224. Paper presented at: 46th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 2000 Nov; San Antonio, TX.


Ramey DW. How to Read a Scientific Paper, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 1999;280–284. Paper presented at: 45th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1999 Dec; Albuquerque, NM.


Ramey DW, Steyn P, Kirschvink JL. The Effect of Magnetic Wraps on Circulation to the Equine Third Metacarpal Region, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 1998:272–274. Paper presented at: 44th Annual International Conference of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1998 Dec; Baltimore, MD.


Ramey DW. A Prospective Examination of Forelimb Flexion Tests in Practice: Clinical Response, Radiographic Correlations and Predictive Value for Future Lameness, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 1997;116–120. Paper presented at: 43rd Annual International Conference of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1997 Dec; Phoenix, AZ.


Ramey DW. The Navicular Bone and Future Lameness: A Retrospective Study of Prepurchase Examinations in Practice, in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 1994;47–48. Paper presented at: 40th Annual International Conference of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1994 Dec; Vancouver, Canada.


Ramey DW. Control of Distal Limb Edema in Horses Using a Linear Compression Pump. in Proceedings. Am Assoc Equine Pract 1992;475–481. Paper presented at: 38th Annual International Conference of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1992 Dec; Orlando, FL.


Ramey DW. Healing in the Small Colon of the Pony: Stapling vs. Suturing, in Proceedings. Vet Learning Systems 1986:166–167. Paper presented at: 2nd Equine Colic Research Symposium, University of Georgia; 1985 Oct; Athens, GA.

Publications – Professional Journals


Ramey, DW, Nielsen, M.  Limited Strongyle Parasite Occurrence in Horses Kept in an Arid Environment. Accepted for publication, Equine Vet Educ 2019.

Ramey D, Mudge M, Rudolphi O, Waxman S. Use of an Absorbable Hemostatic Gauze Product to Control Bleeding in 20 Horses. Vet Emer Critical Care 2019; 1(S1):S 33.

Ramey DW, Kinde H. Commercial and Homemade Extremely Dilute Hypochlorous Acid Solutions are Bactericidal against S. Aureus and E. Coli in Vitro. J Eq Vet Sci 2015; 35(2):161–164.


Ramey DW. Equine Ambulatory Practice: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Ramey DW, Baus, M, eds. Vet Clin N Am-Equine 2012; 28(1):1–9.


Ramey DW, Bachman K, Lee ML. A Comparative Study of Non-Contact Infrared and Digital Rectal Thermometer Measurements of Body Temperature in the Horse. J Equine Vet Sci 2011; 31(4):191–193.


Buell P, May T, Ramey DW. Greek and Chinese Horse Medicine: Dėja Vu All Over Again. Sudhoffs Archiv 2010;94(1):31.


Ramey DW. Re: Trick or Treatment. Aust Vet J 2009;87(11):429.


Ramey DW. Statement of Chiropractic Manipulations for the Back Lacks Support. Equine Vet J 2008;40(5):523.


Rijnberk A, Ramey DW. The End of Veterinary Homeopathy. Aust Vet J 2007;85(12):513–516.


Ramey DW. Do Rolled or Squared Toes Affect Rate of Breakover in Horses? Equine Vet Educ 2007;19(8):447–448.


Holmes M, Ramey DW. An Introduction to Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine. Vet Clin N Am-Equine 2007;23(2):192–200.


Nolen-Walston R, Paxson J, Ramey DW. Evidence-based Gastrointestinal Medicine in Horses: It's Not About Your Gut Instincts. Vet Clin N Am-Equine 2007;23(2):243–66.


Ramey DW. Does Early Antibiotic Use in Horses with "Strangles" Cause Metastatic Streptococcus Equi Bacterial Infections? Equine Vet Educ 2007;19(1):14–15.


Ramey DW, Hartmann P, Krueger T, Small M, Wells T. Compounded Phenylbutazone Powder: Content and Dosing Concerns. J Equine Vet Sci 2007;27(1):5–7.


Ramey DW. Why Therapies may Seem to Work, Even When They Don't. Aust Vet J 2006;25(4):37–41.


Ramey DW. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Horse. Part 1: A Historical Overview. Aust Vet J 2006;25(3):29–36.


Ramey DW. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Horse. Part 2: A Scientific Overview. Aust Vet J 2006;25(3):36–43.


Ramey DW. Laminitis: An Evidence-based Approach to Treatment. Aust Vet J 2006;25(3):44–50.


Ramey DW. Colic: An Evidence-based Approach to Decision for Surgery. Aust Vet J 2006;25(3):50–53.


Ramey DW. An Introduction to Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine. Aust Vet J 2006;25(2):7–11.


Ramey DW. Shoeing and Trimming on the Equine Forelimb with Respect to Common Clinical Indications: An Evidence-based Review. Aust Vet J 2006;25(2):12–18.


Ramey DW. Chiropractic: An Evidence-based Approach. Aust Vet J 2006;25(2):19–23.


Ramey DW, Goldman A, Milstein M, Haas D, Robinson HC, Plante PR, Lumeij JT, Graper M, Imrie R, Devaney V, Urfer S, Johnson PJ, Dalefield R, Yankauskas P, Jaggar DH, Reinertson E. Homeopathic veterinary medicine. Vet Rec 2005;157(13):391


Ramey DW. Acupuncture and “Traditional Chinese Medicine” in the Horse. Part 2: A Scientific Overview. Equine Vet Educ 2005;7(2):136–144.


Ramey DW. Dr. Ramey Remains Unconvinced About Acupuncture. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2005;227(7):1064.


Ramey DW, Buell P. A True History of Acupuncture. Focus Altern Complement Ther 2004;9(4):269–273.


Ramey DW. Skeptical of Treatment with Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2005;226(11):1798–1799.


Ramey DW. Is There a Common Theme in the Alternative Medicine Debate? J Am Vet Med Assoc 2005;226(8):1295.


Ramey DW, Buell PD. Acupuncture and “Traditional Chinese Medicine” in the Horse. Part 1: A Historical Overview. Equine Vet Educ 2004;6(4):218–224.


Ramey DW. Inaccurate Acupuncture History. Rheumatology 2004;43(12):1593.


Ramey DW. Finds Evidence-based Conclusions Missing from Study. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2004;225(9):1332.


Ramey DW. Regulatory Aspects of Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2003;222(12):1679–1682.


Ramey DW, Daft B. An Investigation into the Feasibility of Intraspinous Injections in the Horse. J Equine Vet Sci 2003;23(10):440–442.


Ramey DW. Differing Opinions on Regulating CAVM. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2003;223(3):299–300.


Ramey DW, Tiidus PM. Massage Therapy in the Horse: Assessing its Effectiveness from Empirical Data in Humans and Animals. Comp Cont Educ Pract 2002;24(5):418–423.


Ramey DW, Eddington N, Thonar E, Lee M. An Analysis of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate Content in Oral Joint Supplement Products. J Equine Vet Sci 2002;22(3):125–127.


Ramey DW. Look Before You Leap. Vet Clin N Am-Equine 2001;17(2):195–208.


Ramey DW, Sampson W. Review of the Evidence for the Clinical Efficacy of Human Acupuncture. Sci Rev Alternative Med 2001;5(4):195–201.


Ramey DW. Medicine Can’t be Everything to Everyone. Brit Med J 2001;322:1484.


Ramey DW, Lee M, Messer NT. A Review of the Western Language Equine Acupuncture Literature. J Equine Vet Sci 2001;21(2):56–60.


Ramey DW, Rollin B. Ethical Aspects of Proof and "Alternative" Therapies. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2001;218(3):343–346.


Ramey DW. Acupuncture Points and Meridians Do Not Exist. Sci Rev Alternative Med 2001;5(3):143–148.


Imrie RH, Ramey DW, Buell PD, Ernst E, Basser SP. Veterinary Acupuncture and Historical Scholarship: Claims for the Antiquity of Acupuncture. Sci Rev Alternative Med 2001;5(3):135–141.


Ramey DW, Imrie RH, Buell PD. Veterinary Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Facts and Fallacies. Comp Cont Educ Pract 2001;23(2):188–193.


Ramey DW. Feels Acupuncture Lacks Scientific Evidence. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2001;218(2):190–191.


Imrie RH, Ramey DW. The Evidence for Evidence-based Medicine. Sci Rev Alternative Med 2001;5(2):104-108. Complement Ther Med 2000;8(2):123–126.


Ramey DW, Buell P. Do Acupuncture Points and Meridians Actually Exist? Comp Cont Educ Pract 2000;22(12):1132-1136.


Steyn PF, Ramey DW, Kirschvink J, Uhrig J. Effect of a Static Magnetic Field on Blood Flow to the Metacarpus in Horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2000;217(6):874–877.


Ramey DW. Evidence for Homeopathy is Lacking. Brit Med J 2000;320:1341


Ramey DW. Thoughts on Teaching Complementary and Alternative Therapies. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2000;216(8):1209.


Ramey DW. Readers Question Articles in Support of Complementary and Alternative Therapies. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2000;217(3):320.


Keating JC Jr, Ramey DW. Further Comments on Veterinary Chiropractic. Can Vet J 2000;41(7):518–519.


Ramey DW, Keating JC Jr, Imrie R, Bowles D. Claims for Veterinary Chiropractic Unjustified. Can Vet J 2000;41(3):169–170.


Ramey DW, Basford JR. A Review of Laser Therapy in the Horse. Comp Cont Educ Pract 2000;22(3):263-272


Ramey DW, Imrie RH, Bowles D. Veterinary homeopathy–A Rebuttal. Can Vet J 2000;41(1):3–4.


Ramey DW, Imrie RH, Bowles D. Acupuncture Founded on Magical and Mystical Musings about how the World Works. Can Vet J 1999;40(12):840–841.


Ramey DW. Magnetic and Electromagnetic Therapy in the Horse. Comp Cont Educ Pract 1999;21(6):553–560


Ramey DW. Alternative Therapies for a Reason. World Equine Veterinary Review 1999.


Ramey DW. Cold Therapy in the Horse. Equine Pract 1999;21(1):19–21.


Ramey DW, Wagner MH, Imrie RH, Stenger VJ. Homeopathy and Science: A Closer Look. Technology 1999;6(1):95–105.


Ramey DW. Herbs and Horses: “Natural” Healing? J Equine Vet Sci 1998;18(11):690–696.


Ramey DW. Pathological Science. World Equine Veterinary Review 1998;3(2):25–27.


Ramey DW. Magnetic and Electromagnetic Therapy. Sci Rev Alternative Med 1998;2(1):13–19.


Ramey DW. How to Evaluate Evidence. World Equine Veterinary Review 1998;3(1):26–30.


Ramey DW. Why Therapies May Seem to Work (Even When They Don't). World Equine Veterinary Review 1997;2(4):32–34.


Ramey DW. Predicting Lameness with Navicular Radiographs. J Equine Vet Sci 1995;15(1):18.


Ramey DW. Use of a Linear Compression Pump to Control Distal Limb Edema in Horses. J Equine Vet Sci 1988;8(5):355–358.


Ramey DW. Use of Lag Screw Fixation for Repair of a Central Tarsal Bone Fracture in a Horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1988;192(10):1451–1452.


Ramey DW. Sialolith in a Horse. Mod Vet Pract 1987;67(5/6):51–52.


Rigg DL, Ramey DW, Reinertson EL. Tracheal Compression Secondary to Abscessation of the Cranial Mediastinal Lymph Nodes in a Horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1985;186(3):283–284.


Ramey DW. Eleven Centimeter Cortical Sequestrum separated from Cranial Margin of MC-3 in a Quarterhorse Mare. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1985;187(4):427–428.


Ramey DW, Rooks RL. Applications of Skin Stapling Equipment to Equine Surgery. Vet Med 1985;80(1):66–67.


Ramey DW, Reinertson EL. Strangulating Lipoma and Small Intestinal Leiomyoma in a Horse: A Case Report. J Equine Vet Sci 1984;4(2):88–89.


Ramey DW, Selcer BA. Fractured Lumbar Vertebra in a Quarterhorse Colt. Vet Radiology 1984;259:218–219.


Ramey DW, Reinertson EL. Sand Induced Diarrhea in a Foal. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1984;185(15):537–538.




Ramey DW. David Ramey, DVM [Blog]. 2011–Present.

Ramey DW. Equine & Large Animal [Monthly Colomn]. Veterinary Practice News. Sep 2015–Present:

Managing Gastric Ulcers

Is chemotherapy a viable treatment for lymphoma in horses?

Joint inflammation: Corticosteroids and other management strategies

Obesity: A threat that can be prevented easily

Understanding equine infectious anemia

Diagnosing and preventing West Nile virus

A readily available, inexpensive, and scientifically sound wound lavage system

Vitamin E: Necessary to horses, but there’s a lot to learn

Acute neurologic injuries in the horse

Stem cell treatments hold promise, require more research

Say nay to nonchemical parasite control

Strategies for equine deworming

First aid for equine fractures in the field

Wounds, dressings, and the veterinarian’s role in care

Why colic is not a disease

Tonometry and early ocular condition diagnosis, treatment

Why equine back pain isn’t easy to diagnose—or fix

What Horse Owners Want From You

Managing a Newborn Foal for Optimum Health

Treating Lyme Disease

Best Practices for Managing Laminitis

Four Important Internal Parasites to Consider

Equine Dietary Supplements

Horses, Saddles and Riders

When it Comes to Dental Care, Less is Often More

Nutrition and the Equine Veterinarian

Equine Melanoma: Types, Treatment

How to Care for the Senior Horse

Reach Out, Refer an Equine Specialist

Equine Asthma Syndrome: A Quick Review

How to Diagnose, Treat Colic in Horses

Technology Isn't One Size Fits All

How to Differentiate Neurologic Problems

Ultrasound not just for Tendons, Breeding ​

Indications and Complications of Cheek Teeth Extractions

When Deworming Horses, Timing is Key

What to Do When the Cornea Turns Blue

Don't Delay Whenever Colic Surgery is Possible

What to Consider after Equine Field Fracture

What's Good to Put on a Horse's Wound?

Common Illnesses of Newborn Foals

What to Watch for When Breeding Mares

Stallion Won't Breed?

Is an Ambulatory Veterinary Practice Right for You?

What You Need to Know About Rabies in Horses

How Equine Dental Care Can Give Your Business a Boost

How to Feed Horses With Metabolic Challenges

Ramey DW. Needs versus Resources. Equus. Feb 2018.

Ramey DW. Bottom Line Horse Care. Equus. Dec 2017.


Ramey DW. Ethics: Second Opinions Magnify the Importance of Communication Among Veterinarians. Equine Vet Educ. Oct 2017.

Ramey DW. The Vaccination Guide. Horse Illustrated. Apr 2017.


Ramey DW. Equine Sports Medicine Fraught with Ethical Dilemmas. Equine Vet Educ. Feb 2017.

Ramey DW. Ethics, the VCPR and Doing What the Client Requests. Equine Vet Educ. Oct 2016.

Ramey DW. Ethics: Is the Bottom Line Really the Bottom Line? Equine Vet Educ. Jul 2016.

Ramey DW. High-Performance Care? [Interview with Richard Spooner]. Equestrian Quarterly. Dec 2015.

Hay S, Ramey DW, Santschi EM. The Ethics of Agent Compensation. Equine Vet Educ. Oct 2015.

Ramey DW. Ethics: Navigating Conflicts of Interest and Competing Interests. Equine Vet Educ. Dec 2014.


Ramey DW. Everything Old is New Again! Aug 2011


Ramey DW. What Do You Do When There Are No Proven Treatments? The Chronicle of the Horse. Apr 2011.


Ramey DW. Why Do Horses Eat Weird Things? The Chronicle of the Horse. Apr 2011.


Ramey DW. The English government cracks down on alternative pet remedies. Jan 2011.


Ramey DW. Acupuncture and History: The “Ancient” Therapy That’s Been Around for Several Decades. Oct 2010.


Ramey DW. The Lameness Locator Brings A Bit More Objectivity To Veterinary Medicine. The Chronicle of the Horse. May 2010.


Ramey DW. Do You Know What You're Giving Your Horse? The Chronicle of the Horse. Dec 2009.


Ramey DW. How Do You Decide When To Call Your Veterinarian? The Chronicle of the Horse. Nov 2009.


Ramey DW. Animal Acupuncture. Jun 2009.


Ramey DW. Animal Vaccinations. Jan 2009.


Ramey DW. Is There a Placebo Effect for Animals? Oct 2008.


Ramey DW. Mosquito Dunk Danger? (Q&A). The Horse. Aug 2008.


Ramey DW. Needing a Pick-Me-Up (Q&A). The Horse. Dec 2007.


Ramey DW. Acupuncture: Eager Boys and Wolves. The Horse. Aug 2005.


Ramey DW. Are We Over-Vaccinating? (Q&A). The Horse. Feb 2005.


Ramey DW. Acupuncture: What’s the Point. New Humanist. Jan 2005.


Ramey DW. Nutrition During Stall Rest (Q&A). The Horse. Jan 2005.


Ramey DW. Joint Supplements and Vitamins (Q&A). The Horse. Dec 2004.


Ramey DW. Alternative Therapies: Doing the right thing. Vet Forum 2003;20(4):27–31.


Ramey DW. Regulation of Supplements. The Horse. Jun 2002.


Ramey DW. Forelimb Flexion Test. The Horse. Oct 2001.


Ramey DW. Veterinary Chiropractic. Dec 2000.


Ramey DW, Valli VT. No Legitimate Alternatives. DVM Journal 2000:12.


Ramey DW. The Appeal of Alternative Therapies. The Horse. Jun 2000.


Ramey DW. The Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy. Priorities 2000, 12(1).


Ramey DW. Reality Check for Equine Therapeutics. Equus. Mar 1999.


Ramey DW, Raso J. Horsefeathers: Acupuncture from a Veterinary Perspective. Priorities 1999;11(2).


Ramey DW. Free and Easy: Oral Joint Supplements in the Horse. Equine Athlete 1998;11(1):31–33.


Ramey DW. PSC Viable Option to Sole Proprietorship. DVM Newsmagazine 1997;28(12):2E–5E.


Ramey DW. Magnetic Therapy. Equine Athlete 1997;10(6):30–33.


Ramey DW. EPM: Research and Destroy. Equine Athlete 1997;10(5):11–16.


Ramey DW. Secrets of the Spine. Equine Athlete 1997;10(4):23–27.


Ramey DW. A New View on Bone. Equine Athlete 1997;10(3):11–16.


Ramey DW. Risk Factors for Colic. The Paint Horse Journal. Feb 1997.


Ramey DW. Drug Use in Show Horses. Show Circuit Magazine 1996;10(3).


Ramey DW. The Mare and Foal. Videotape on basic equine reproduction. Annandale, VA: Palomine Productions, 1987.


Ramey DW. Health Care in the Horse. Videotape on basic equine health care. Annandale, VA: Palomine Productions, 1987.



Ramey, DW. "Hemostatic Gauze Product to Help Control Bleeding in 20 Horses". 25th International Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium; 2019 Sep; Washington, D.C.

Ramey, DW. "Ethics in Equine Practice". 13th Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Veterinary Technicians; 2017 Nov; San Antonio, TX.

Ramey, DW. "Nutrition Made Easy", "Questions to Ask Before Anyone Treats Your Horse", "Colic Myths". Western States Horse Expo; 2017 Feb 3-5; Pomona, CA.

Dwyer A, Ramey DW. “Business Ethics”. 62nd Annual International Conference of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 2016 Dec; Orlando, FL.

Ramey DW. "The Real Cost of Horse Ownership". Annual Conference of the Horse Industry Association of Alberta; 2016 Jan 16; Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.


Grice A, Ramey DW. “Business Ethics”. 61st Annual International Conference of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 2015 Dec; Las Vegas, NV.


Ramey DW. "Body Condition Score: Advantages and Disadvantages”, “What is a Welfare Problem and What Might Just Look Like One?”. Animal Care Conference 2015, California Animal Control Directors Association, California Veterinary Medical Association, State Humane Association of California; 2015 Mar 7; Davis, CA.


Ramey DW. "The True History of Veterinary Acupuncture", "Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine: An Ethical Imperative". 1st International Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine Network Conference, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons – RCVS Knowledge; 2014 Oct; Old Windsor, England.


Ramey DW. "Can Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Medicine Co-Exist?" Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine; 2012 Nov 5; Ames, IA.


Ramey DW. "How Did We Get Here? The History of Alternative Medicine: Why and When it Entered the Veterinary Profession", "The History of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Veterinary Acupuncture; Veterinary Homeopathy – Past and Present", "Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine: Guidelines for Research, Education, and Ethics; Chiropractic for Animals: A Retrospective". American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Convention; 2011 Jul 16–19; St. Louis, MO.


Ramey DW. “Research Findings Related to Shoeing and Gait, with Clinical Observations as to the Relevance of these Findings for Farriers”, “Practical Ideas for Dealing with Navicular Syndrome”. 4th International Hoof Care Summit; 2007 Jan 29–30; Cincinnati, OH.


Ramey DW. “An Introduction to Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine”, “Shoeing and Trimming on the Equine Forelimb with Respect to Common Clinical Indications: An Evidence-based Review”, “Chiropractic: An Evidence-based Approach”, “Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Horse. Part 1: A Historical Overview”, “Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Horse. Part 2: A Scientific Overview”, “Colic: An Evidence-based Approach to Decision for Surgery”, “Laminitis: An Evidence-based Approach to Treatment”, “Why Therapies may Seem to Work, Even When They Don't”. 85th Annual Australian Veterinary Association Conference; 2006 May; Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.


Ramey DW. “CAVM: Historical, Scientific and Regulatory Aspects”. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Veterinary State Boards. 2002 Jul 15; Nashville, TN.


Ramey DW. "My Dog/Cat/Horse Limps and has Osteoarthritis. What should I tell my client about 'alternatives' that they can use for their pet?" Alternative Medicine for the Medical Practitioner, University of Chicago School of Medicine; 2001 Dec 7–9; Chicago, IL.


Ramey DW. “Science and Veterinary Medicine: A Candle in the Dark”. Phi Zeta Research Day, University of Missouri; 2001 May 3–5; Columbia, MO.


Ramey DW. “Acupuncture: What’s the Point?” Alternative Medicine for the Medical Practitioner, University of Chicago School of Medicine; 2000 Dec 9–11; Chicago, IL.


Ramey DW. "Science in Veterinary Medicine". Colorado State University School of Veterinary Medicine; 2000 Nov; Fort Collins, CO. University of Illinois School of Veterinary Medicine; 2000 Oct; Champaign, IL. Oklahoma State University School of Veterinary Medicine; 2000 Mar; Stillwater, OK. Iowa State University School of Veterinary Medicine; 2000 Jan; Ames, IA.


Ramey DW. "Magnetic and Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy”,  “Low-intensity Laser Therapy". Alternative Medicine for the Medical Practitioner, University of Chicago School of Medicine; 1999 Dec 10–12; Chicago, IL.


Ramey DW. "Why Therapies Seem to Work, Even When They Don’t". Texas Equine Industry Conference, Texas A&M University; 1999 Nov 4-6; College Station, TX. Equitana USA; 1999 Jun; Louisville, KY.


Ramey DW. "Alternative Therapies in the Horse". Equine Health Day, University of Missouri; 1999 Mar 5; Columbia, MO.


Ramey DW. "Hormone Use in Performance Horses". 43rd Annual International Conference of the American Association of Equine Practitioners; 1997 Dec; Phoenix, AZ.


Ramey DW. “The Navicular Bone and Future Lameness: A Retrospective Study of Prepurchase Examinations in Practice”. 4th Continuing Education Seminar for Veterinarians, Chino Valley Equine Hospital; 1994 Sep; Chino, CA.


Ramey DW. “Diagnostic Techniques in Equine Lameness”. Iowa State University Continuing Education for Veterinarians, Iowa State University; 1984 Jun; Ames, IA.

2010 - present

2010 - present


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David W Ramey Professional Corp.

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