Dedicated to the Care and Treatment of
Performance and Pleasure Horses
News & Publications
Western States Horse Expo
November 8-10, 2019 | Fairplex, Pomona, CA
Dr. Ramey will be presenting as part of the University program at the Western States Horse Expo - Holiday Edition.

International Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium (IVECCS)
July 2019
Dr. Ramey prepared a paper, "Use of a Hemostatic Gauze Product to Help Control Bleeding in 20 Horses", published in the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. In addition, Dr. Ramey delivered a presentation at the 25th IVECCS in September, 2019 in Washington, D.C. (Dr. Ramey is a member of the Medical Advisory Board for United Health Products, the manufacturer and marketer of HemoStyp®, a patented hemostatic gauze for the healthcare and wound care sectors ).

Horse Illustrated Magazine
April 2019
Dr. Ramey was consulted for Cynthia McFarland's article, "Regional Parasite Patrol", printed in the April 2019 issue of Horse Illustrated. He is quoted on the deworming needs of horses that are not on pasture.
Veterinary Practice News – Monthly Equine Column
July 2019
Dr. Ramey wrote the article, "Managing Gastric Ulcers", printed in the July 2019 issue of Veterinary Practice News. He has been writing a monthly column on equine conditions since September 2015:
Is chemotherapy a viable treatment for lymphoma in horses?
Joint inflammation: Corticosteroids and other management strategies
Obesity: A threat that can be prevented easily
Understanding equine infectious anemia
Diagnosing and preventing West Nile virus
A readily available, inexpensive, and scientifically sound wound lavage system
Vitamin E: Necessary to horses, but there’s a lot to learn
Acute neurologic injuries in the horse
Stem cell treatments hold promise, require more research
Say nay to nonchemical parasite control
Strategies for equine deworming
First aid for equine fractures in the field
Wounds, dressings, and the veterinarian’s role in care
Why colic is not a disease
Tonometry and early ocular condition diagnosis, treatment
Why equine back pain isn’t easy to diagnose—or fix
What Horse Owners Want From You
Managing a Newborn Foal for Optimum Health
Treating Lyme Disease
Best Practices for Managing Laminitis
Four Important Internal Parasites to Consider
- Equine Dietary Supplements
- Horses, Saddles and Riders
- When it Comes to Dental Care, Less is Often More
- Nutrition and the Equine Veterinarian
- Equine Melanoma: Types, Treatment
- How to Care for the Senior Horse
Reach Out, Refer an Equine Specialist
Equine Asthma Syndrome: A Quick Review
How to Diagnose, Treat Colic in Horses
Technology Isn't One Size Fits All
How to Differentiate Neurologic Problems
Ultrasound not just for Tendons, Breeding
Indications and Complications of Cheek Teeth Extractions
When Deworming Horses, Timing is Key
What to Do When the Cornea Turns Blue
Don't Delay Whenever Colic Surgery is Possible
What to Consider after Equine Field Fracture
What's Good to Put on a Horse's Wound?
Common Illnesses of Newborn Foals
What to Watch for When Breeding Mares
Stallion Won't Breed?
Is an Ambulatory Veterinary Practice Right for You?
What You Need to Know About Rabies in Horses
How Equine Dental Care Can Give Your Business a Boost
How to Feed Horses With Metabolic Challenges

Equus Magazine
Dr. Ramey is a guest columnist in two recent Equus editions:
Needs Versus Resources - February 2018. "One of the most difficult things I must do as a veterinarian is to make treatment recommendations to horse owners who face financial hardships."
Bottom Line Horse Care - December 2017. "Here are four importance questions to ask before you agree to pay for something for your horse - whether a procedure, product, or service."

AAEP 63rd Annual Convention
November 17-21, 2017
The November 2017 Conference of the American Association of Equine Practitioners was a busy one from Dr. Ramey. He finished his service on two committees, having served as the vice-chairman of the Leadership Development Committee, and also the Professional Conduct and Ethics Committee. Dr. Ramey has served on many AAEP Committees over the years, and feels the helping his professional association is one other way that he can help horses.
For the second year in a row, Dr. Ramey was a team leader in the student "Hoof Test Challenge," a fun quiz show-type contest giving the opportunity to answer questions about equine medicine, have fun, and win great prizes. Students are the future of veterinary medicine, and throughout his career, Dr. Ramey has been willing to help students from all over the world.
Dr. Ramey gave two talks this year. His talk, Insights from an On-Line Survey of 8069 Horse Owners Regarding Equine Veterinary Care, was given to a the business session of the American Association of Equine Practitioners meeting presented the results of an on-line survey conducted through his Facebook page, David Ramey, DVM. The survey was intended to collect feedback from horse owners about their views about equine veterinary care. It received over 8,000 responses! It was the 12th talk that Dr. Ramey has given to the AAEP.
Dr. Ramey also gave a talk to the American Association of Equine Veterinary Technicians. This talk - Ethics: Curse, Pipedream, or Opportunity - was based on a similar talk Dr. Ramey gave to the AAEP in 2013. Dr. Ramey feels that ethical practice is something that cannot receive enough emphasis on the part of the profession, and questions from the audience indicated that veterinary technicians feels the same way.
Equine Veterinary Education – Ethics Column
October, 2017
As a member of the AAEP Professional Conduct and Ethics Committee, Dr. Ramey was a guest columnist for "AAEPNEWS" in the journal, Equine Veterinary Education. The article, "Second Opinions Magnify the Importance of Communication Among Veterinarians", was printed in the October 2017 issue. Past ethics articles in the journal include:
"Equine Sports Medicine Fraught with Ethical Dilemmas" - February 2017
"Ethics, the VCPR and Doing What the Client Requests" - October 2016
"Is the Bottom Line Really the Bottom Line?" - July 2016
"The Ethics of Agent Compensation" with Drs. Scott Hay and Elizabeth Santschi - October 2015
"Navigating Conflicts of Interest and Competing Interests" - December 2014
#HorseHour Podcast - Forelimb Flexion Tests
August 8, 2017
Dr. Ramey had a in-depth conversation with the delightful host of the HorseHour Podcast, the UK's most popular equestrian podcast. They discussed Dr. Ramey's study on Forelimb Flexion tests and whether they are any use in the vetting of a horse when you are considering a purchase.
I.S.E.L.P. Short Course on the Stifle and Hip
April 14, 2017
Dr. Ramey attended the 1-Day Talk and Wet Lab on ultrasounding the stifle and hip region at Chino Valley Equine Hospital, Chino, CA. The seminar, led by Dr. Kurt Selburg, Assistant Professor of Radiology at the Colorado State University, was a great, hands-on way to keep skills fresh.

Horse Illustrated - Vaccine Guide
April 2017
Dr. Ramey wrote the article, "The Vaccination Guide", printed in the April 2017 issue of Horse Illustrated. In it, he walks horse owners through the definition of core vaccinations, provides a summary of current vaccines, and discusses the benefits of having a veterinarian administer.

Western States Horse Expo - Pomona
February 3-6, 2017
Dr. Ramey spoke at the one of largest equine events in the country, The Western States Horse Expo. The three day fest offered demos and clinics by the who's who of the horse world as well as a giant trade show. Dr. Ramey presented a session each day:
Nutrition Made Easy
Questions to Ask Before Anyone Treats Your Horse
Colic Myths
AAEP 62nd Annual Convention
December 3-6, 2016
Dr. Ramey contributed to the following sessions at the annual American Association of Equine Practitioners Conference in Orlando, FL. From Dr. Ramey:
Volunteer Leadership Training – The Leadership Development Committee, of which I’m the Vice Chair, held it's annual meeting. I also helped facilitate training for current and future AAEP volunteers. It's an honor to be engaged with such a dedicated and motivated group of professionals.
The Professional Conduct and Ethics Committee, of which I am a member, held it's meeting. Development and application of ethics in equine medicine is a passion of mine, shared by all members of the committee. It's exciting to help lead this important area of equine medicine.
Student Hoof Test Challenge – I captained a team at the 4th annual Hoof Test Challenge, a fun and exciting game show-style contest in which students pit their knowledge of equine medicine and pop culture against each other. I was much better at helping with equine medicine than with pop culture.
Presentation of the paper, “Fecal Blood Hemoglobin and Albumin Test Does Not Diagnose Gastric Ulceration in the Horse” – I presented my paper on an experiment conducted with Chino Valley Equine Hospital, evaluating a fecal test purported to help in diagnosing gastric ulcers, by comparing the results of the test to what's seen when the horse's stomach is scoped.
Business Ethics table topic session – Past AAEP President Dr. Ann Dwyer and I facilitated a discussion on ethical concerns faced by equine practitioners.

Local Educational Talks
Summer, 2016
This summer, Dr. Ramey had the pleasure of speaking to local groups about horse care:
"Myth Busting" to the Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemen's Association in May
"Nutrition Made Easy" to ETI Corral 36 (Agoura, Calabasas, Malibu, Monte Nido) in August
"Four Questions You Should Ask Before You Let Anyone Treat Your Horse" to ETI Corral 54 (Chatsworth) in September
He is grateful for the invitations, and he especially enjoyed judging ETI Corral 54's chili cook off!
AAEP Focus on Soft Tissue Lameness in the Performance Horse
July 25-27, 2016
Dr. Ramey attended an intensive continuing education session, Focus on Soft Tissue Lameness in the Performance Horse, hosted by the American Association of Equine Practitioners and held in New Orleans, LA. Leading researchers presented the latest in prevention of lameness, treatment options, and rehabilitation.

Equine Training – LA County Department of Animal Care and Control
July, 2016
Dr. Ramey trained animal welfare professionals and volunteers in a program for the benefit of the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control. The 3-day course (2 days of lecture, 1 day of wet lab) covered a variety of topics pertaining to equine husbandry, welfare, and handling. Three courses have been held since September, 2015.
I.S.E.L.P. Short Course on the Carpus and Metacarpus
April 1, 2016
Dr. Ramey attended the 1-Day Talk and Wet Lab on ultrasound of the hind suspensory ligament region at Chino Valley Equine Hospital, Chino, CA. Hind suspensory injuries can be troubling to manage, and a good diagnosis is essential before proceeding with any treatment. It's a particularly tricky area to ultrasound, and the seminar, led by Dr. Kurt Selburg of the University of Georgia, was a great, hands-on way to keep skills fresh.

Integration into Multi-Agency Emergency Equine Rescue and Disaster Response
March 5, 2016
Dr. Ramey attended a course facilitated by the International Animal Welfare Training Institute (IAWTI) in Petaluma, CA. Drs. John Madigan, Eric Davis, and Claudia Sonder from the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine instructed veterinarians on how to integrate with local emergency personnel to handle large animal emergencies and disasters and provided hands-on training in special equipment use and proper sedation and mobilization of down or injured horses.
The Real Cost of Horse Ownership – Annual Alberta Horse Conference
January 16, 2016
Dr. Ramey was invited to speak at the Annual Conference of the Horse Industry Association of Alberta, held in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. He spoke about the "real" cost of horse ownership and things horse owners can do and questions they can ask to help keep those costs down. Thank you to the session's sponsor, Alberta Veterinary Laboratories

Care of the Shelter Horse – LA County Department of Animal Care and Control
January 10, 2016
Dr. Ramey trained shelter veterinarians and veterinary technicians in a program for the benefit of the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control. The 2-day course (1 day of lecture, 1 day of wet lab) covered a variety of topics pertaining to equine care, medicine, and handling. Many thanks to Jim Bennett and Bennett Farms for allowing the use of their horses

Equestrian Quarterly – High-Performance Care?
December, 2015
The lifestyle magazine, Equestrian Quarerly (now Equestrian Living), published Dr. Ramey's interview with show jumper Richard Spooner in its Winter 2015 issue.

International Animal Welfare Training Institute (IAWTI) – Affiliation
December, 2015
Dr. Ramey has been named an Affiliate of the International Animal Welfare Training Institute. The institute's mission is to "facilitate training, education and dialogue for animal welfare by bringing together veterinarians, animal scientists, emergency first responders and other stakeholders to improve animal wellbeing."
AAEP 61st Annual Convention – Business Ethics Table Topic
December 7, 2015
Dr. Amy L. Grice and Dr. Ramey facilitated an afternoon table topic session on business ethics at the American Association of Equine Practitioners conference in Las Vegas, NV. The well attended session provided attendees a venue to discuss ethical concerns faced by equine veterinarians and to hold an engaging discourse on business ethics case studies.
Barrel Horse News – Avoiding Navicular Disease
August, 2015
Dr. Ramey was consulted for Bridget Kirkwood's article, "Avoiding Navicular Disease", printed in Barrel Horse News magazine's August 2015 issue. In it, Dr. Ramey defines the condition, discusses the difficulty with diagnosing navicular, and reviews treatment options.
I.S.E.L.P. Short Course Foot and Pastern Seminar
April 10, 2015
Dr. Ramey attended the Hands On 1-Day Talk and Wet Lab on the Equine Foot and Pastern at Chino Valley Equine Hospital, Chino, CA. From thorough lectures, to working one-on-one with course instructors, Dr. Ramey learned more about proper imaging technique of the soft tissues of the foot and pastern. He's excited to apply the latest knowledge in diagnostics to assist in management of conditions that originate in the areas that are the most common causes of equine lameness.

Animal Care Conference 2015 – Large Animal Abuse Recognition
March 7, 2015
The Animal Care Conference is a program for animal welfare professionals, organized by the California Animal Control Directors Association (CACDA), the California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA), and the State Humane Association of California (SHAC). Dr. Ramey gave a demonstration and two talks, "Body Condition Score: Advantages and Disadvantages” and “What is a Welfare Problem and What Might Just Look Like One?”, at the UC Davis Center for Equine Health.
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science – Extremely Dilute Hypochlorous Acid Solutions...
December 9, 2014
Dr. Ramey and Dr. Hailu Kinde's paper, "Commercial and Homemade Extremely Dilute Hypochlorous Acid Solutions are Bactericidal against S. aureus and E. coli in vitro", has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Highlights of the paper include:
A homemade solution works as well as a commercial solution, at much lower cost
Homemade solutions are easily prepared, and stable
AAEP 2014/2015 Committees
December 7, 2014
Dr. Ramey has been appointed vice-chairman of the Leadership Development Committee of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP). In addition, he was asked to serve on the Professional Conduct and Ethics Committee and the Educational Program Committee.
RCVS Knowldge – Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Network 2014 Conference
October 23, 2014
Dr. Ramey was invited to speak at the Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Network conference sponsored by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), in Windsor, Berkshire, UK. He gave two talks – one on ethics, and the other on the true history of acupuncture.
AAEP Ask the Vet – Parasites
August 31, 2014
Every month, the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) "Ask the Vet" program features an expert veterinarian answering questions about a single topic. Dr. Ramey responded to questions about internal and external parasites for the August, 2014 edition.
AAEP 59th Annual Convention – Ethics in Equine Medicine
December 8, 2013
Dr. Ramey conducted an afternoon session on ethics at the American Association of Equine Practitioners conference in Nashville, TN. He presented his paper, "Ethics and Equine Medicine: Opportunity, Curse, or Pipedream" and shared the podium with Dr. James DuBois, the Director of the Center for Clinical Research Ethics at Washington University School of Medicine and Dr. Bernard Rollin, professor of philosophy, animal sciences, and biomedical sciences at Colorado State University.